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The Top 10 World Cup Songs Of All Time

The official World Cup songs originated in Chile in 1962 with the track "El Rock del Mundial" by Los Ramblers. This and many other songs weren't as popular as they are today, and they also weren't required by the host country. For the most part, these songs were focused more so on having great lyrics, and their purpose was to capture the feeling of the sport. It wasn't until 1998 that host country France decided to hire Latin artist Ricky Martin to create a less traditional theme for the World Cup. His song "Copa de la Vida" debuted as No. 1 on the United States charts, which inspired all other countries to pick a fun, catchy song for the World Cup moving forward. With this, the French really revolutionized the way other countries saw this music.
The most recent World Cup song is "We Are One, Ole Ola," by Pitbull, J.Lo, and Claudia Leitte.
Below we give you our ranking of the top 10 World Cup songs of all time. Let us know what you think in the comments.

10. Herbert Grönemeye, "Celebrate the Day" (2006)
Why? This song was extremely important because it promoted the theme of human unity through the sport of soccer.

9. Il Divo and Tony Braxton, "The Time of Our Lives" (2006)
Why? This song talks about how all of us can create a better world by working as a team. The powerful message of peace and unity is what makes this song one of the best.

8. Los Ramblers, "El Rock del Mundial" (1962)

Why? This was the song that started it all. Without Los Ramblers, there may have not been music created specifically for the World Cup.
Why? This was the song that started it all. Without Los Ramblers, there may have not been music created specifically for the World Cup.

7. Vangelis, "Anthem" (2002)

Why? Its happy and lively rhythm emits a positive and inspirational message to all its listeners. If you didn't hear it before, it's probably because this song was bigger in Japan than in the rest of the world.
Why? Its happy and lively rhythm emits a positive and inspirational message to all its listeners. If you didn't hear it before, it's probably because this song was bigger in Japan than in the rest of the world.

6. Daryl Hall, "Gloryland" (1994)

Why? This song is one of the few that use different musical influences and styles to represent the diversity that exists worldwide.
Why? This song is one of the few that use different musical influences and styles to represent the diversity that exists worldwide.

5. Anastacia, "Boom" (2002)

Why? Besides the fact that this song is absolutely contagious, through her lyrics Anastacia encourages the listener to move forward and to never give up.
Why? Besides the fact that this song is absolutely contagious, through her lyrics Anastacia encourages the listener to move forward and to never give up.

4. K'naan feat. David Bisbal, "Wavin' Flag" (2010)

Why? Although this song wasn't part of the official FIFA compilation, "Wavin' Flag" turned into an alternative anthem. Many fans considered this song to be catchier and have a more positive message than Shakira's "Waka Waka."
Why? Although this song wasn't part of the official FIFA compilation, "Wavin' Flag" turned into an alternative anthem. Many fans considered this song to be catchier and have a more positive message than Shakira's "Waka Waka."

3. Gianna Nannini and Edoardo Bennato, "Un'Estate Italiana" (1990)

Why? This is one of the most beloved songs from all the World Cups. Its lyrics inspire the listener to chase one's dream, because everything is possible.
Why? This is one of the most beloved songs from all the World Cups. Its lyrics inspire the listener to chase one's dream, because everything is possible.

2. Shakira, "Waka Waka" (2010)

Why? Probably one of the biggest reasons that this song became so popular worldwide was the peculiar dance that Shakira created for it. But we cannot forget to mention that this song perfectly represents all of the vibrant energy and positivism from the African continent.
Why? Probably one of the biggest reasons that this song became so popular worldwide was the peculiar dance that Shakira created for it. But we cannot forget to mention that this song perfectly represents all of the vibrant energy and positivism from the African continent.

1. Ricky Martin, "Copa de la Vida" (1998)

Why? This was the first anthems to stand out from the rest for its unique and catchy sound. When you think World Cup music, this is definitely one of the first songs that comes to mind. Since the worldwide debut of "Copa de la Vida," no other World Cup anthem has been able to compare to the energy of this song.
Why? This was the first anthems to stand out from the rest for its unique and catchy sound. When you think World Cup music, this is definitely one of the first songs that comes to mind. Since the worldwide debut of "Copa de la Vida," no other World Cup anthem has been able to compare to the energy of this song.


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